Dr Sharon Marie Weldon
Reader/Associate Professor in Nursing Research and Education
I am a Reader/Associate Professor of Nursing Research and Education at the University of Greenwich.
My previous role was of a Senior Research Officer who currently works at Imperial College London. My research focuses on Sequential Simulation (SqS), communication and public engagement activities. I use mixed-method approaches to undertake my research and have particular strengths in observational studies.
Prior to this I was involved in an ESRC funded project “Transient Teams in the Operating Theatre” also at Imperial College London. This project examined communication between operating theatre staff through audio and video recordings. It addressed strengths and weaknesses in teamwork, and built on this to create future training and organisational change. I started my nursing career as a theatre practitioner, an experience was invaluable for the Transient Teams project. I left the operating theatres to pursue a career in tropical diseases, worked on an infectious disease unit and specialised in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Following this I pursued a research career by joining the Health Protection Agency, undertaking research into tuberculosis diagnostic tools. I have completed an MSc in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a PhD with Imperial College London.
Senior Research Officer - Imperial College London
​2013 - present
My previous role involved developing, leading and coordinating on-going and projected research projects within our research group. This includes: Designing, creating, performing and evaluating Sequential Simulation (SqS) for education, training and public engagement activities. Academic outputs from scholarly activity; including publication in peer-reviewed journals, and presentations at national and international conferences. The development and submission of applications to grant awarding bodies including Research Councils and other major funders. Pro-active involvement in other academic activities. Teaching observational research and Sequential Simulation (SqS) on the Masters in Surgical Education course (MEd) at Imperial College London.
Research Nurse - Imperial College London
​2012 - 2013
I undertook an ethnographic research project, which required video/audio-recording communication between healthcare professionals in operating theatres. I was responsible for the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data as well as the dissemination of the findings through conferences, publications, public events, meetings, and workshops. Outside of this piece of research my role involved: creating and performing simulation based research for education, training and public engagement activities and showcasing the departments work.
Research Nurse - Health Protection Agency - Public Health England
​2012 - 2012
I recruited research participants across several London TB clinics/hospital locations and performed several TB diagnostic tests. I was responsible for the collection and management of specimen samples, and of demographic and clinical data. The data inputting, monitoring and auditing of the study.
Infectious Disease Nurse - St George's Healthcare NHS Trust, London
​2010 - 2012
I was a staff nurse on a specialized infectious disease unit, undertaking specialist nursing care. I was also seconded to St. George's chest clinic to develop specialist skills as a TB nurse for 3 months and manage the clinic during staff turnover.
Paediatric Theatre Practitioner - Barts and the London NHS Trust
​2010 - 2010
Theatre practitioner in emergency and elective paediatric theatres. Covering orthopaedic, general. plastic, ocular and trauma and emergency surgery. I worked as a scrub nurse, circulating nurse and recovery nurse.
Support Worker - MaCintyre Care Charity
​2007 - 2009
Supporting people with Learning difficulties with their day-to-day living: Finances, medication, transportation, cooking, risk assessments and health planning.
Basic French & Spanish
Both theoretical and practical knowledge of the application of statistical and qualitative analysis for a variety of data sets.
Proficient with STATA, Epi info, EpiData, Word, Powerpoint, Endnote, Sente, Atlas ti and Inscribe software.
Modules undertaken in Epidemiology, Statistics, health economics, social research, issues in public health, organisational management, globalization and health, design and analysis of epidemiological studies, health promotion theory, epidemiology of communicable diseases, principles and practices of public health, and health care evaluation.
Experience in research, project design and budget management.
Public speaking skills developed through conference presentations, public engagement activities, workshops, roundtable discussions and multi-disciplinary meetings.
Broad understanding of healthcare from a variety of experiences including: clinical, academic, public health and research.
Clinical skills include venepuncture, canulation, induced sputums and mentoring.
Imperial College London, Department of Cancer & Surgery
​2013 - 2017
Preliminary Thesis Title: Systematising the design and development of sequentially simulated care pathways and health care scenarios
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
​2011 - 2013
MSc in Public Health
Thesis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of a urine lipoarabinomannan (LAM) assay test for the diagnosis of TB in HIV populations
University of Chester
​2006 - 2009
BSc in Adult Nursing
Thesis: HIV and its associated stigma
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